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Fight your friends to the peak! · By Frog Gang1


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Version 1.3 Changelog
VERSION 1.3 CHANGELOG: Added Leaderboard Fixed numerous Bugs Boosted Performance Revamped Main Menu...
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Version 1.2 Changelog
CHANGELOG: NEW MAP: Wildfire A once luscious island now filled with ash and stone, with pools and caves throughout. This is an alternate stage 1. NEW MAP: Voidb...
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Progress on Version 1.2
The new alternate stage 1 is being worked on with other things planned for version 1.2! New Stage - Wildfire A once blooming place in the world covered in life...
Version 1.1 Changelog
VERSION 1.1 UPDATE: CHANGES TO ITEMS: FROG - Now explodes when thrown, damaging enemies and players SPEED - Now need to interact with it first SLIMES - Can now...

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